RAW makes some of the best rolling papers in the world! We Roll With It loves RAW and we try to carry most of their products in stock at all times. Check out our collection!
124 items

RAW Classic 1 1/4" Rol...

$1.99 $22.00

Size = 78mm (l) x 44mm (h) Naturally unbleached/no additives Patented criss-cross watermark Acacia gumline 50 Sheets/Pack 24 Packs/Box

RAW Original Tips

$0.99 $14.00

Chlorine & Chemical free Each Booklet contains 50 Tips Each Box contains 50 Booklets  


$3.00 $52.00

Size = 83mm (1¼”) Naturally unbleached/no additives Patented criss-cross watermark Acacia gumline 6 Cones/Pack 32 Packs/Box



Size = 83mm (L) Patented criss-cross watermark Vegan gumline 75 Cones/Box

RAW Tips Pre-Rolled Un...


Pre-rolled Chlorine & Chemical free 200 Tips/Bag

RAW Black 1 1/4 Rollin...

$1.99 $25.00

RAW Black Paper is extra-fine for the thinnest unbleached rolling paper RAW has ever made. This unique artisan paper is produced in the Benimarfull region of Spain where the dry Valencian winds mak...

RAW Classic King Size ...

$2.99 $58.00

Size = 110mm (L) x 44mm (H) Patented criss-cross watermark Vegan gumline 32 Sheets/Pack 50 Packs/Box

RAW Glass Ashtray


The RAW Glass Ashtray will be the star of your next smoke sesh! These beautiful prism diamond-facet cut ashtrays can take you on a bright rainbow journey… or to the dark side. May only the finest a...

RAW Tray Scale


The RAW x MY WEIGH Tray Scale makes it easy to know how much your stuff truly weighs, and is a great rolling tool as knowing the weight each time takes the guesswork out of rolling. Add exactly how...